Unga Lukas has through funds from the Public Health Agency, been able to offer anonymous chat support for gamers. Now the project has come to an end, and we have closed the ORC Therapy chat. We are currently evaluating the project to understand the next steps for Unga Lukas to support gamers in the best way.
Meanwhile you can use our anonymous chat, which is open Mon-Thurs 19-22 at https://chatt.ungalukas.se
Anonymous conversational support for gamers
These days, it isn’t always easy to be young. Social expectations and demands can affect you in all sorts of ways. If you feel the need to talk to someone who will actively and compassionately listen to your thoughts and feelings about life – you can talk to us. Now we’ve taken the leap into the World of Warcraft. Just search for our Orc names in the game, or contact us via the website, and you’ll find someone who truly wants to hear what’s on your mind.
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Conversational supporter
Edzurg is a warm-hearted Orc from the land of Draenor. His grumpy demeanour actually has nothing to do with his personality. Whenever he opens his mouth, words of compassion come flowing out. He truly cares about people.
Behind every Orc in the game there is a group of anonymous conversational supporters from Unga Lukas.
Meet me
Conversational supporter
Olurg is the biggest Orc in the group. After triumphing in thousands of battles, he is on a new mission: to give all young gamers the opportunity to talk about how they feel. His pointy ears never get tired of listening and he’s got a burning desire to help young people navigate their lives.
Behind every Orc in the game there is a group of anonymous conversational supporters from Unga Lukas.
Meet me
Conversational supporter
Although Gakor may not look like the sharpest Orc in the group, he has a wealth of wisdom when it comes to the inner world. With 60 years of experience dealing with emotional young Orcs, he is a master of listening to all kinds of reflections about life.
Behind every Orc in the game there is a group of anonymous conversational supporters from Unga Lukas.
Meet meUnga Lukas
Unga Lukas is a long-term initiative to promote the mental health of young people. Launched in 2018, it has been developed with the support of the Public Health Agency of Sweden.
We develop online meeting places that serve as forums for meaning-making conversations about life. The core of the organisation is the anonymous chat function, which is manned by experienced volunteers. We also provide support via social media and through projects where young people can share their experiences to support each other.
The driving force behind Unga Lukas is Förbundet S: t Lukas - a non-profit organisation with therapy clinics and partner associations throughout Sweden. The operations of our conversational support clinics are based on science and evidence-based experience.
Orc Therapy is a project for gamers aged 13 to 25 - with its own chat function manned with volunteers who are active listeners, compassionate conversationalists and experienced gamers.